How To Love Yourself
A 21-day, self-love, online challenge to bring about more peace, purpose and empowerment.

Are you ready to know, love and trust yourself?
Are you constantly putting yourself down, speaking harshly to yourself or being critical of yourself?
Do you feel like you aren't good enough and don't deserve to have what you want?​
Do you struggle to fully accept who you are, exactly as you are, right in this very moment?

True power comes from loving yourself exactly as you are, right now, today at this age, in this body.
Society says we should look a certain way, drive a certain car, be a certain weight, make a certain amount of money, but if we listen to everyone else, we will always feel dissatisfied with ourselves.
Join me, in this 21-day self-love challenge where you will learn the components to loving yourself exactly as you are so you can live more fully, happier and healthier.
You can get to the core of who you are, develop a relationship with yourself, and be kinder to yourself so you can thrive.
When you do this you live more peacefully, in harmony, connected to your true self which brings you the life you deserve.
As with any class, you’ll have to actively use and practice the principals in order to discover and unlock the door to your dreams. That’s when you'll really start to see the transformation happen. ​​
This class is for you if you:
Compare yourself to others
Have a hard time saying no
Don’t accept compliments well
- Don’t have healthy and loving relationships
Apologize for the way you look, what your house looks like, or out of habit
Take the blame in situations
Judge yourself or put yourself down
Don’t believe in yourself
Need more joy, love, purpose & trust in your life

I’ve been teaching this for a long time, and have helped many people find more connection to themselves, create self esteem, empowerment and self-love.

Since I have been working with Lisa's (online) program and utilized the tools she has shared, I have been far more attentive to my thoughts, feelings, vibration and behaviors. I have noticed I turn more easily towards what I desire and experience more faith and trust, joy and peace.
...loving what is and being present to the unfolding of my life. - Hara S.
"You know how I struggle with negative self talk. Thank you for helping me to see I can truly create my own reality and peaceful inner space to move forward with positive energy. You are my manifestation guru, I'm forever changed and grateful beyond words. It was you that helped me to understand & see so clearly. You. Are. The. Best. Teacher!" -Peggy C.
Here's what you'll get with How To Love Yourself:
21 days of daily inspiration
21 days of daily voice recordings to guide you with all you need to know and practice
Self Love Manifesto to keep you inspired through the challenge
Self Love daily tracker to chart your progress
Exercises to help you embody these concepts- when you put these exercises into practice, you are evoking the mind, body, spirit connection.
~Nancy T.